vs. The Probate Marketing Industry

probate list
What’s Wrong With Probate Data for Finding Inherited Property? A Lot, Actually. Here are 9 Things You Didn’t Know
January 31, 2021
The Power of AI: Helping real estate investors Dominate the Inherited Property Market
May 25, 2021 vs. The Probate Marketing Industry

In the real estate world, inherited properties are highly sought after, and it’s for a good reason. They are like finding a diamond in a haystack, but only better because it’s a real property asset.

Many real estate investors wait for the best-inherited properties as they come directly out of the courthouse. Now, sadly, this process of pursuing inherited real estate has become the way of the past. 

Technology has changed the face of the real estate investing industry. Tools like artificial intelligence help investors quickly find the best-inherited properties as soon as they become available, instead of waiting for the Probate lead lists to be distributed by courthouses. goes far beyond just looking at a set of Probate properties. It ranks and highlights properties based on their potential to sell and earn a profit by using Machine learning algorithms to analyze and crunch thousands of data points, providing investors with the top 100 inherited properties in their area. 

The Probate marketing industry is stuck relying on data directly from court cases – not necessarily focusing on finding suitable properties for real estate investors. 

Easily find inherited properties, months, or years before they appear in Probate court when using You no longer need to rely on Probate Data as the only way to source inherited properties.

Probate Marketing Data is Outdated and Obsolete

If you want to optimize everything you do as an inherited property real estate investor, kick Probate lists to the curb- they are slow and a way of the past. Every Probate filing from the courthouse has compiled junk data that is not-so-helpful for property investors. Even probate list providers will attempt to sell expensive lists with add-on services, but this doesn’t change the fact that the underlying issue of junk data is inevitably buried inside those Probate cases. 

But no matter how good they say that the Probate list is, it is still months or even years behind Pre-Probate data generated by 

Until now, the only way for investors to find clues about inherited properties was via Probate records. Investors would have to sit and wait for heirs who are inheriting property to get around to filing in Probate Courts finally, and for Probate marketing companies to pick up a copy and publish it, which usually happens over the next month. 

These case numbers would be transcribed from court records and sold as “Probate Leads” to real estate investors, even though investors still had to do all the work of sorting through junk data of estates that already sold or didn’t own any property. developed solutions specifically for property investors pursuing inherited real estate. Our innovative computer technology will give you valuable insights and signals about each prospect, giving each property a score highlighting the most valuable targets for investors. 

Artificial intelligence is changing the face of the Probate marketing industry. Learn more about how is improving the Probate marketing industry:

1. Probate lists are slow, and it can take months or years for a case to be filed

Inherited Properties data

Buying a list of Probate court cases won’t get you anywhere if the heirs haven’t filed a Probate case yet. And that usually takes many months to a few years to happen, for several reasons. One of which is that the Probate process is expensive, time-consuming, and intimidating for most people, and it’s not something they’re exactly rushing to do right away. 

Many times there’s also conflict or disagreement amongst heirs or family members regarding the assets of an estate, which further delays administrative matters such as Probate. 

Once they’ve decided to file, the process itself could take months to properly initiate the formalities before a Probate docket number (or case number) is finally created and assigned. Only after this happens does a Probate case finally make it onto some “Probate list” to be sold to investors.

2. Filter through data to find ONLY the best potential properties

filter through Inherited Properties data

Investors are often misled about what’s in that Probate list. The biggest misconception is that “Probate Marketing Data” is a list of properties that are being inherited. But in reality, what you’re buying from the Probate marketing company is a list of court cases (not properties) and the names of the people who are now associated with the court cases, most likely the heirs. However, figuring out if there’s ever any real estate related to the Probate court proceedings is a lot of extra work. And if you want to automate that work, it is costly.

Focus your outreach and marketing on the prospects more likely to convert into a deal, most likely to sell, highest potential profit margins, or development / new construction potentials.

The truth is the probate marketing company that sold you the data has no idea whether the Estate mentioned in the Probate record even owns any property at all. They are selling you ‘information’ on properties when in reality, they’re giving you a list of court cases, and then you have to figure out the rest on your own.

3. Trash the Probate junk data… Exactly how much junk data, you ask? Anywhere from 30-70% of all Probate records are trash

Yes, you read it right. Up to 70% of that fresh, new Probate list could be utterly useless to you. 

When you buy Probate lists, you’re just getting a list of Court cases filed, regardless of whether the deceased owned any real estate or not. You’re not getting a list of properties. 

Probate marketing data only captures cases filed in Probate court. They leave out all the rest, which can often be double the size of the market for potential transactions, given that less than half of all people have a will or are eligible for probate. 

With AI-driven technology, you can quickly sort, screen, and organize inherited properties by specific criteria:

  • Current owners
  • Property characteristics (size / beds / baths)
  • Tax & Valuation
  • Mortgage info
  • Last sale
  • High equity or Low Equity (short sale)
  • Year built / age
  • Mapping & street view 

Now you can concentrate your efforts instead of wasting valuable time and money prospecting blindly. You can laser focus on a handful of the most likely and most valuable properties that will turn into profitable acquisitions.

4. Easily reach out to heirs and secure a deal. Be early to the property before heirs even file in Probate

reach out to Inherited Properties heirs

With artificial intelligence and machine learning, you can quickly get direct mail pieces to go out on auto-pilot with just a few clicks. Our direct-mail fulfillment integrations allow you to easily send your prospects instantly to end-to-end direct mail fulfillment providers so that prospects will get mailed automatically on auto-pilot. 

Avoid the wasted costs of marketing or sending direct mail to somebody who doesn’t own property each month over the course of a year.

The best time to get in touch and negotiate an acquisition of inherited property is usually very early on in the process. Once many months or years go by, it’s typical for heirs to have a game plan for the property already, so by the time they finally file a case in Probate court, there’s a reduced chance of acquisition. Of course, deals do happen, but you always want to stack the odds to be more favorable to you.

Apply for Beta access to in your market! goes far beyond just looking at a set of Probate properties. It ranks and highlights properties based on their potential to sell using Machine Learning algorithms to analyze and crunch thousands of data points. You no longer need to rely on Probate Data as the only way to source inherited properties! 

While other investors are pursuing inherited real estate by relying on just one thing to find and source deals: the probate list from their local courthouse; You could rise above your competitors by utilizing AI-powered technology.

Artificial Intelligence lets you find and buy inherited real estate before anyone else in the market. You can transform how you locate inherited properties, months or years before they appear in Probate court, just by using InherentValue.

Learn more about pre-probate data:
